
This conference was dedicated to Olivier Faugeras.

We would like to thank you for your participation and attendance at ICMNS2016 in Juan les Pins. Your presence together with your active contributions, feedback and ideas was greatly appreciated and has gone towards making this event a great success! We hope to see you next year in Boulder, Colorado (USA)

The Second International Conference on Mathematical NeuroScience (ICMNS) was held at the Congress Center in Juan-les-Pins, on the French Riviera. The goal of this event was to provide an interdisciplinary conference to bring together theoretical neuroscientists and mathematicians interested in using and extending mathematical concepts and methods for solving problems in neuroscience. In turn, we were expecting that the connections and insights gleaned through mathematics can pose future questions to experimental neuroscience.

The conference was motivated by many outstanding questions concerning brain function and dysfunction across multiple spatial and temporal scales.
Studying these questions requires a wide range of mathematical tools, including probability and statistics, stochastic calculus, dynamical systems, functional analysis, geometry, information theory, and numerical analysis. The conference also aims to illustrate that neuroscience is spawning new areas of mathematics.
A second motivation for this conference was to infuse mathematical insight into neuroscience by which the proper range of applicability of the results is clearly identified. It is our belief that exciting and important applications of mathematics would help to identify (new) valid quantitative models in neuroscience.

The conference was single track. It featured three keynote lectures, oral presentations, and poster presentations.
The keynote lecturers were Wulfram Gerstner (École Polytechnique de Lausanne, Switzerland), John Rinzel (New York University, USA) and Antoine Triller (École Normale Supérieure Paris, France).